Kevin Curran FCCA BA (hons)
Hello welcome,

Let me set out what I can offer you.

For all businesses large and small at the moment Covid-19 is both physically and commercially the enemy. At the end of this epidemic many businesses will have gone to the wall taking a breathtaking amount of livelihoods with them, not just direct owners and managers but staff and ancillary providers as well.

My mission is, where I can, to minimise this impact. There will be businesses that were hemorrhaging customers or cash prior to Covid-19 and may well be beyond salvation. Where business has any hope of limping through (bearing in mind some will thrive) I want to be the catalyst that lights the way to the other side of this pandemic.

What can I do?

As a Management Accountant for over thirty years I have the skill set to analyse your business model. In doing this I will be looking at the sources of income and costs - forecasting the futures streams in relation to the National and local economic environments and applying a rigorous value adding approach to decision making and resource allocation. I will be identifying key business drivers and what needs to happen for your Business to survive and then- how do we make it happen. I am your Business Partner to help you through this. I will furnish you with a report at the end of the analysis which will set out the options that you have available to you, and depending on your decisions- your survival route. This report may also assist you with other parties as it is a strategic plan for your Businesses future in terms of projections that banks or other investors may take account of. Ultimately we will be looking for the road back to profitability. Not all businesses can be saved, pared down organisation may be able to scramble on and return to growth in the future, for some it may already be too late but this in itself may deliver clarity.

Curran Business Survival Consultancy has been born in the Covid -19 epidemic environment and I will commit all of my energy, creativity and enterprise to keeping your Business afloat through these unprecedented times.

If you want a Business warrior on your side get in touch and lets meet the challenges together head on.